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Take a look at our hand-signed Doctor Who memorabilia from the Fourth Doctor, Tom Baker.

All our memorabilia is from private signing sessions and comes with a Certificate of Authenticity detailing the time and date of the signing along with photographic proof of signing.

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Tom Baker was born on 20th January 1934 in Liverpool. He began acting in his thirties, which started with a contract in the Royal National Theatre where he mostly played small parts and acted as understudy. Following his theatre work, he landed a number of smaller roles on television and a series of film roles, including his role in "Nicholas & Alexandra" for which he received two Golden Globe nominations.

In 1974, Baker was given the role of Doctor Who, becoming the Fourth Doctor after Jon Pertwee. At the time of being offered the role, Baker was working on a construction site due to the lack of avaiable acting work.

He played The Doctor for seven seasons, making him the longest serving Doctor and widely considered one of the most popular. He was known for making the character his own and often made comedic script changes, which no doubt helped to revive the show's viewing figures to a level not seen for 10 years.